Arguments For And Against Zoos — Deep Analysis

Abdul Moeed Shahid
3 min readJun 19, 2020


The survey conducted in Poland in 2018 shows nearly 70% of respondents agreed that training and showing animals in circuses is wrong. Only 32% thought that keeping animals in zoos is a violation of their rights.

Image by Herbert Aust from Pixabay

Whether a zoo is a cure and curse for animals, is become a huge line of argument between animal rights activists and people in support of zoos.

Zoos argue that they save endangered animals by providing them shelter and protecting them from predator species. They are also the source to educate the people which allows animal lovers to admire them.

However, those who are not in support of zoos argue that animals should have a right to live free in their natural habitats, and disobedience of the rights of individual animals is unjustifiable.

There are numerous arguments to support and discourage zoos at the same time where zoo need is not neglectable. Have a look at some of them and also let us know what your take on this?

Arguments In Favor of Zoos:

To educate people

Image by natureaddict from Pixabay

One of the major benefits of the zoo is its educational programs which allow students and visitors to learn and engage in a variety of conversations and environmental messages.

The majority of the zoos offer tours to educational departments and visitors so they can see how trainers seek animals and work with them.

To save endangered animals

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Zoos save endangered animals by keeping them in a safe and secure environment, where they are protected from predators, habitat loss, poachers, and starvation.

These species can grow better and healthier without any danger of extinction.

To provide entertainment

Image by filinecek from Pixabay

Zoos are a great source of entertainment for kids and families as they provide them a great source of amusement by experiencing the wildlife characters in real life.

Now it becomes a family’s most preferred activity to visit a zoo for a piece of joy and happiness.

Arguments Against Zoos:

Animal Rights

Image by Ria Sopala from Pixabay

Many wildlife activists claim that each living creature has a set of indisputable rights just like humans do.

Animals enormously belong to the wild because that is how they were formed to exist. By surrounding an animal away from its natural habitat, it is exposed to its basic rights of freedom and liberty.

Quality of life

Image by PIRO4D from Pixabay

Another one of the main arguments against zoos is that animals are not living satisfying lives.

Animals in captivity bear stress, boredom, and even confinement. They are also suffering from multiple mental problems which are certainly not good for their health and growth.

Over Population

Image by Nel Botha from Pixabay

Baby animals are the major source of attraction for all zoos. But when zoos take this benefit, it can lead to overpopulation of certain animals, making them required to reduce the number of adult animals.

And, to reduce the population they sell their animals to the circus ring, for hunting facilities, and to the other zoo, which is not acceptable considering animal rights.



Abdul Moeed Shahid

I'm a freelance content sorcerer: weaving words with flair, humor, and passion. I turn ideas into gold – or at least, really good reads!